I was bred in Northern Basque Country, Europe, and spent most of my working life in France before making the move Down Under in 2009.
Now, I am based in Sydney where I have been working on NSW government projects as front end Web Developer. On my days off I try to soak up the sun, sea, and sand, which is the best part about being on this side of the globe. It has been an succesful change of environment.
I like the Internet, the Web and innovation in general. Particularly when it shakes the grounds of the establishment.
I do my best to keep an open mind and like to sharpen my critical thinking so I can keep walking against the crowd.
Conscious of the immensity of world around us, I know I have so much to learn.
I have no idea what to write in here. I'm not a blog person and each attempt of bloging has been a failure. I mostly have nothing to say, probably a bit more to show.
I'm not on Facebook so this page is mostly live to quench your curious instincts, nothing wrong with that. I do the same.
This website has been created with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub.